Spice up your look with luscious, bouncy waves. Wavy hair can be a simple and work-appropriate look for the day, but with a few tweaks it's perfect for a night out on the town.



    Evenly sray dry hair with curling spray. Not only will this spray help encourage the hair to hold a curl, but it will also protect it from heat damage.


    Use a large clip to hold the majority of you hair out of the way, leaving out a small 1-inch section on the back of your head.


    Take the non-clipped section of hair and wrap it around the large-barrel curling iron. Keep the wrap slightly loose; otherwise, the waves will come out as curls.


    Remove another 1-inch section of hair from the clip and wrap it around the large-barrel curling iron.


    Continue removing sections from the clip until you've worked up through all of your hair. Separate the waves with your fingers.


    Spray your hair with a finishing spray to hold the waves all day.

  • How to flat iron wavy hair, avoid damage, and create a sleek ...


    Learn more about the Sam Villa SLEEKR Flat Iron at http://www.samvilla.com/irons and the Sam Villa Signature Series Brushes at http://www.samvilla.com ...

  • How to get Wavy Hair with a Curling Iron - YouTube


    http://www.myhairstylingtools.com How to create smooth, sexy waves using a curling iron.