How to Mix Gelatin to Make Non-Toxic Homemade Hair Gel

If you need a safe and non-toxic hair gel because you worry about the harsh chemicals and preservatives in commercial products, then make your own all-natural hair gel with just a few ingredients. Unflavored gelatin contains no odor, does not leave residue in your hair and will not break your budget. The gelatin creates a thick hair gel once combined with warm water, and it becomes especially useful when you run out of hair gel and do not feel like making a trip to the store.



    Combine tsp. of unflavored gelatin with 1 cup of warm water in a bowl.


    Add 3 to 4 drops of scented essential oil to the mixture. Use an eyedropper to refrain from adding too much.


    Stir the ingredients until mixed well. Ensure that all the gelatin dissolves.


    Keep adding tsp. of gelatin to the hair gel until you reach the desired thickness.


    Combine 1 tsp. of aloe vera to the hair gel. This will add a natural moisturizer to the hair gel.


    Place 4 drops of rosemary oil into the hair gel. This natural oil will preserve the hair gel, making it last longer than one week. Stir the ingredients together until a smooth and thick texture forms.


    Place the hair gel in an airtight container and then sit it in the refrigerator. Keep it stored in the refrigerator after each use, and discard the hair gel after two weeks.

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