No one has the same hair, therefore everyone's dreadlocks tend to grow a bit differently. While some people are lucky enough to have dreads which simply grow by themselves, others will have to twist and train their dread periodically. If your dreads have grown out a bit and you want to retwist them, a few tips can help.



    Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Remember that it is extremely important to use only natural hair care products on your dreadlocks, as chemicals and waxy residues can quickly build up inside of your hair. Always wash the product throughly and then wrap your head in a towel.


    Clip up the dreads at the front and top of your head if necessary, as you will begin retwisting your dreads at the back. Hold onto your first dread and dip a finger into some natural locking grease. Apply the grease to the top of the dread in the space between your scalp and the lock.


    Pull a rattail comb through the grown out hair, starting at your scalp. Work the comb down to the dreads, twisting as you go. Continue retwisting your dread with the rattail comb until the lock is at your scalp.


    Place a bobby pin or hair clip around the top of the dread once finished and move on the the next. When you have completed your entire head, use a hair dryer to completely dry your hair, paying special attention to the roots.


    Leave the bobby pins or clips at the top of your dreads for at least 24 hours. For best results and perfect dreadlocks, wrap your head in a silk scarf after retwisting and every night when going to bed.

  • How to Retwist Dreads - YouTube

    Here's the link to the FIRST re twist video CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO MOE'S channel he will have updates and more ...

  • How I Retwist My Husbands Dreads - YouTube

    Disclaimer: Beyonce-Halo Karina Pasian- Winner I do not own any rights to the songs in this video. FACEBOOK!!! ...

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  • How To Retwist Dreads (Styling Your Hair) Styling Your HairRating: 3.9/5 18 ratings

    Enlarge How To Retwist Dreads. Retwisting or reforming or palm rolling the hair is a really neat and modern way of hairstyling. It can give you both an elegant and ...

  • How To Make Dreadlocks (Styling Your Hair) Styling Your HairRating: 2.5/5 4 ratings

    Video : Learn how dreadlocks are styled with the use of a locking tool as demonstrated in this video. Styling Your Hair.

  • At we help you grow dreads. How to make

    Want dreadlocks? is here to make growing dreads easy in any hair type. We explain how to start and grow dreadlocks.

  • How To Retwist Dreads - Video Dailymotion

    Jan 05, 2011 Retwisting or reforming or palm rolling the hair is a really neat and modern way of hairstyling. It can give you both an elegant and casual look.

  • How Often Should You Get Your Dreads Re-Twisted? eHow Hair Care General Hair Care

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    How to Retwist Dreads. Nowadays, many people are taking an interest in dread locks. If you want to make some money by learning to re-twist them or save some money by ...

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    Dreadlocks, or dreads, are a cool hairstyle for some, and a spiritual pursuit or political statement for others. If you have the right kind of hair, these steps will ...